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Cookie Policy

No personal data of the users is acquired by the site.

No use is made of cookies for the information of a personal nature, nor are used persistent cookies of any kind or systems for tracing users.
The’use of session cookies (that are not memorized persistently on the computer of’user and disappear when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the transmission of session identification required to allow’secure and efficient exploration of the site.
The session cookies used in this site avoid recourse to other IT techniques potentially prejudicial to the confidentiality of user navigation and do not allow the’acquisition of personal identification data of’user.

Cookies “technical” can also be used in the absence of consensus, without prejudice of course’privacy statement.Therefore it is evident that, limited to these cookies,’activities of operators online is simplified, since they do not need to obtain a prior consent in all those cases in on the’use cookies or other devices stored on terminals of users or of the contracting parties is used exclusively for technical purposes or to respond to the specific demands of’user or contractor to an Internet service.the absence of consent reduces the awareness of’concerned, which must necessarily be based on a clear information and immediate understanding.

Cookie di Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a simple tool that helps website owners to measure how users interact with the contents of the site. Google Analytics provides to the owners of web sites of tags JavaScript to record information on the page that a user has visited, for example l’URL of the page. The JavaScript libraries of Google Analytics using HTTP cookies for “remember” what a user did earlier or how interacted with the website.

Link : https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/cookie-usage

The Library ga.js JavaScript sect the following cookie:

Cookie of Liferay

Cookies set by Liferay are:

Cookie’s typePersistent
Expire date1 year
Web Site coverall the web site
DescriptionCreated by Liferay to store cookies support for’User
Business purposeDetermines if cookies can be a user or not

Cookie’s nameJSESSIONID
Cookie’s typeSession
Expire date
Web Site coverall the web site
DescriptionCreated by Liferay to store the identification details of the session
Business purposeTechnical requirements of’application

Cookie’s typePersistent
Expire date1 year
Web Site coverall the web site
DescriptionCreated by Liferay to store your preferred language of’User not logged in
Business purpose
Stores the display language for users not connected

Stores the display language for users not connected

FAQ regarding cookies of “Guarantor for the protection of personal data”

Link: http://www.garanteprivacy.it


Apart from that specified for navigation data,’user is free to provide personal data contained in the registration forms to the services of the website to request information and suggestions and reports to the editor of the site or in any case indicated in telephone contact with the structures of the town. Their lack of conferment may involve’impossibility to obtain what required.


Link http://www.aeroportidipuglia.it/privacy-zone


The search box of this website uses the technology of Google Inc. The’User acknowledges and accepts that’using the search box will be governed by the privacy policy of Google (viewed the page http://www.google.it/privacy.html) additionally using the search box,’User allows Google to treat your personal data in accordance with the privacy rules laid down.